Saturday, November 28, 2015

Long Time, No Blog: Let's Begin Again

Hello, friends. Long time, no blog. I long ago abandoned this little piece of the internet. The laundry list of of reasons excuses are long. Some are more legitimate than others. Perhaps, I'll fill ya'll in but honestly, I have just have a hankering for a new beginning in all aspects of life: professionally, emotionally. mentally, and physically. Twenty-fifteen hasn't exactly been my year thus far but it is never too late to start again, right?

This space will be a little bit of everything but mainly focused on my health and fitness journey.

For today, I'll leave you with my fitness mission statement that I wrote just this past January:

Striving daily to strengthen my mind, body, and soul through physical activity and balanced nutrition. To inspire others through example and with encouragement that being happier and healthier is possible without extremism. Balance and moderation is the key to achieving my fitness goals and being able to maintain them.